Mosquito Articles

Lee MJ, Byers KA, Cox SM, Stephen C, Patrick DM, Himsworth CG. 2021. Stakeholder perspectives on the development and implementation of approaches to municipal rat management. J Urban Ecology 7(1) juab013,

Balaraman V, Drolet BS, Gaudreault NN, Wilson WC, Owens J, Bold D, Swanson DA, Jasperson DC, et al. 2021. Susceptibility of Midge and Mosquito Vectors to SARS-CoV-2. J Med Entoml, tjab013,

Reeves LE, Medina J, Miqueli E, Sloyer KE, Petrie W, Vasquez C, Burkett-Cadena ND. 2020. Establishment of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) scapularis (Diptera: Culicidae) in mainland Florida, with notes on the Ochlerotatus group in the United States. J Med Entomol tjaa250,

Petruff TA, McMillan JR, Shepard JJ, et al. 2020. Increased mosquito abundance and species richness in Connecticut, United States 2001-2019. Sci Rep 10, 19287.

Onyango MG, Bialosuknia SM, Payne AF, et al. 2020. Increased temperatures reduce the vectorial capacity of Aedes mosquitoes for Zika virus. Emerg Microbes Infect9(1):67-77.

Oliver J, Tan Y, Haight JD. 2020. Spatial and temporal expansions of Eastern equine encephalitis virus and phylogenetic groups isolated from mosquitoes and mammalian cases in New York State from 2013 to 2019. Emerg Microbes Infect9(1):1638-50.

Fikrig K, Peck S, Deckerman P, et al. 2020. Sugar feeding patterns of New York Aedes albopictus mosquitoes are affected by saturation deficit, flowers, and host seeking. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 14(10):e0008244.

Burtis JC, Poggi JD, McMillan JR, et al. 2020. NEVBD pesticide resistance monitoring network: Establishing a centralized network to increase regional capacity for pesticide resistance detection and monitoring. J Med Entomol tjaa236