Mosquitoes of PA Book

Below is a link to PVCA Technical Bulletin 2009-001, “The Mosquitoes of Pennsylvania, Identification of Adult Females and Fourth Instar Larvae, Geographical Distribution, Biology and Public Health Importance“.

This publication was originally released in November, 2009.  Primary authors for the book are Richard F. Darsie, Jr. (Grove City College) and Michael Hutchinson (PA Dept. of Environmental Protection, Division of Vector Management).

This book is currently available as a free download in Adobe PDF format.  The complete book is about 32MB in size. Please click on the cover image photo to download the full book file.

Toxorhynchites rutilus septentrionalis on flower
Toxorhynchites rutilus septentrionalis on flower

Individual species account pages may be accessed by going to this directory and clicking on the species of interest.

Darsie RF, Hutchinson ML. 2009. The Mosquitoes of Pennsylvania. Technical Bulletin #2009-001 of the Pennsylvania Vector Control Association. 191pp.